Congratulations to the first DC Tibetan Summer Camp!
Congratulations to the Capital Area Boyid Lapta for the successful completion of the first DC area Tibetan Summer Camp!
The week long camp was attended by approximately 30 students ranging from ages 4-17. The comprehensive curriculum included a variety of guest speakers and topics ranging from Tibetan history to religion and art -- all of which were enthusiastically received by the students!
A tremendous thank you to Gen Dolkar la for sharing photos from the camp with the CATA community and for capturing the historic week!
On behalf of the CATA community, our thanks, congratulations and gratitude to the dedicated Gen las/teachers (all volunteers!), the immense PTA board for their organizational work, and all the hard working parent volunteers at the camp.
Also, we would be remiss to not recognize the generosity of the Drikung Dharma Surya Center (DDSC) who so kindly offered the use of their center for the Tibetan camp. Our gratitude to all for this incredible achievement!
We hope that the Boyid Lapta camp will return next year for another successful session!!